Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

Use Case Blog

Of the picture is an example of a use case blog . Use case is a series / description of a group of inter-related and form a system of regularly conducted or supervised by an actor . Use case is usually used to describe the process . Use case some symbol that has an actor , usecase , associations , include , extend and generalization . Use case diagrams describe the expected functionality of a system . The emphasis is on " what " is done for the system , and not the " how " . Usefulness use case is capturing the system requirements, communicate with end users and domain experts, and assessment system problems. Use case diagram is a diagram to model the behavioral aspects of the system. 

Each one shows a set of use cases, actors, and relationships.A use case represents an interaction between the actors in the system . Use case is a specific job , such as logging into the system , clicking -create a shopping list , and so on . A / an actor is a human or a machine entity that interacts with the system to perform certain tasks . ( Wahono , R.S , 2003). Use case diagrams can be very helpful when we are putting together a system of requirements , design communicate with clients , and designing test cases for all the features that exist on the system . A use case can either include another use case functionality as part of a process in itself . It is generally assumed that the use case will be invoked every time include use cases include the clicking - executed normally . 

A use case can be include by more than one other use case , so that duplication of functionality can be avoided by pulling out the common functionality . A use case can also be extended another use case with its own behavior .Blog is short for web log is a web application that resembles the form of writings ( published as a post ) on a public web page . These writings are often published in reverse order ( most recent content first and then followed the older content ) , although not necessarily so . Web sites like these can usually be accessed by all Internet users according to the topics and goals of the user's blog . So the use case blog describe business processes that exist in the blog . With the use case of this blog , It is expected to understand the business processes that take place on a blog . 

Use case this blog is created using astah community .There are three actors in the use case that is user blogs , blog admin and readers . Every actor has their activities - and have the respective roles relate to each other . To have activities such as managing user profile , manage templates and manage articles . In the profile are managing the activities conducted user can describe myself like a picture of biographical data , input profiles , edit profiles and delete profiles .Besides being able to manage profiles , user can also manage templates that customize the theme according to the desired look of the blog . Template is used to create a blog to look more beautiful and presentable when viewed by the reader . 

Type - the type of template is provided so that the user can select the desired template and when - time to change the template . In addition , users can also manage the articles that you want to post as you wish as input an article later when - time user can edit the article ersebut if an error occurs or the user can delete the articles that have been entered .In addition to the user as an actor , there are other actors in the use case of this blog is the blog admin . Admin blog in order to connect the actor with the existing activities in the blog . Before conducting activities in the blog , users must login email and password accordingly. If email and password do not match then the user can not get to do activities in the blog and vice versa if the email and password as the user can enter the blog to do activities such as manage profiles , manage templates and manage articles . Admin blog has an important role here as determine the right user login is done .Last actor who plays a role in the use case is reader blog . 

After user input profile and post articles to the blog so readers can see the blog in accordance with what has been posted by the user without having to login email and password . Profile and articles can be seen by everyone without exception . In addition to viewing user profiles and articles , readers can also leave comments about the article that was posted user . Then the user can reply to reader comments , if not so then the user and reader comments may delete the comment . Comment that has been entered can be viewed by everyone . In the blog are not available for chat between users and readers like facebook.The last actor is admin google. Google Admin role in the acceptance of a blog that has been in registered user in accordance with the requirements determined by google.

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